Cognitive Science and AI
Saad, L., McCurry, J. M., & Trafton, G. (2024). Action and outcome predictability impact sense of agency. In Proceedings of the Annual Meeting of the Cognitive Science Society (Vol. 46).
Hiatt, L. M., Brooks, C., & Trafton, J. G. (2022). Validating and Refining Cognitive Process Models Using Probabilistic Graphical Models. Topics in Cognitive Science.
Blaha, L. M., Abrams, M., Bibyk, S. A., Bonial, C., Hartzler, B. M., Hsu, C. D., ... & Wong, R. (2022). Understanding Is a Process. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience, 11.
Howe, J. L., Young, C. R., Parau, C. A., Trafton, J. G., & Ratwani, R. M. (2021). Accessibility and usability of state health department COVID-19 vaccine websites: a qualitative study. JAMA Network Open, 4(5), e2114861-e2114861.
Trafton, J. G., Hiatt, L. M., Brumback, B., & McCurry, J. M. (2020). Using Cognitive Models to Train Big Data Models with Small Data. In Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Autonomous Agents and MultiAgent Systems (pp. 1413-1421).
Zish, K., Aguiar, N., McCurry, J. M. & Trafton, J. G. (2018). A memory for goals account for priming in confidence judgments: Data and a Model. The 40th Annual Cognitive Science Society Meeting.
Zish, K., Aguiar, N., McCurry, J. M., Altmann, E. M. & Trafton, J. G. (2018). The time course recovery of confidence judgments: Data and a Model. International Conference for Cognitive Modeling, 2018.
Gartenberg, D., Gunzelmann, G., Hassanzadeh-Behbahani, & Trafton, J. G. (2018). Examining the role of task requirements in the magnitude of the vigilance decrement. Frontiers in Psychology, 9.
Trafton, J. G., McCurry, J. M., Zish, K., Hiatt, L. M., & Khemlani, S. (2017). A cognitive model of social influence. The 39th Annual Cognitive Science Society Meeting.
Hoffman, R. R., LaDue, D. S., Mogil, H.M., Trafton, J. G., & Roebber, P. J. (2017). Minding the Weather: How expert forecasters think. Boston, MA: MIT Press.
Hiatt, L. M., & Trafton, J. G. (2017). A familiarity, priming, and perceptual account of similarity judgments. Cognitive Science, 41(6), 1450-1484.
Thomson, R., Harrison, A. M., Trafton, J. G., & Hiatt, L. M. (2017). An account of interference in associative memory: Learning the fan effect. Topics in Cognitive Science, 9(1), 69-82.
Tamborello, F., Trafton, J. G., & Altmann, E. M. (2015). Memory processes of sequential action selection. The 37th Annual Cognitive Science Society Meeting.
Thomson, R., Pyke, A., Trafton, J. G., & Hiatt, L. M. (2015). An account of associative learning in memory recall. The 37th Annual Cognitive Science Society Meeting.
Hiatt, L. M., & Trafton, J. G. (2015). A computational model of mind wandering. The 37th Annual Cognitive Science Society Meeting.
Gartenberg, D., Gunzelmann, G., Veksler, B. Z., & Trafton, J. G. (2015). Improving vigilance analysis methodology: questioning the successive versus simultaneous distinction. Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference 2015.
Heitmeyer, C. L., Pickett, M., Breslow, L., Leonard, E. I., Archer, M. M., Ray, I., Aha, D. W., & Trafton, J. G. (2015). Building High Assurance Human-Centric Decision Systems. Journal of Automated Software Engineering, 22, 159-197.
Khemlani, S., Lotstein, M., Trafton, J. G., & Johnson-Laird, P. N. (2015). Immediate inferences from quantified assertions. Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology, 68(10), 2073-2096.
Trafton, J. G., & Ratwani, R. M. (2014). The law of unintended consequences: the case of external subgoal support. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual conference on Human factors in Computing Systems. ACM.
Khemlani, S. S., & Trafton, J. G. (2014). Percentile analysis for goodness-of-fit comparisons of models to data. Proceedings of the 36th Annual Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Gartenberg, D., Gunzelmann, G., & Trafton, J. G. (2014). A Process Model of the Signal Duration Phenomenon of Vigilance. Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference 2014.
Zuniga, J., McCurry, M., & Trafton, J. G. (2014). A Process Model Of Trust In Automation: A Signal Detection Theory Based Approach. Human Factors and Ergonomics Conference 2014.
Lawson, W., Hiatt, L. M., & Trafton, J. G. (2014). Leveraging Cognitive Context for Object Recognition. Proceedings of the IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition Workshops.
Gartenberg, D., Breslow, L. A., & Trafton, J. G. (2014). Situation Awareness Recovery. Human Factors, 56(4), 710-727.
Breslow, L. A., Gartenberg, D, McCurry, J. M., & Trafton, J. G. (2014). Dynamic Operator Overload: A Model for Predicting Workload During Supervisory Control. IEEE Transactions on Human-Machine Systems, 44(1).
Hiatt, L. M. & Trafton, J. G. (2013). The Role of Familiarity, Priming and Perception in Similarity Judgments. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Lawson, W., & Trafton, J. G. (2013). Unposed Object Recognition using an Active Approach, International Conference on Computer Vision Theory and Applications (VISAPP).
Khemlani, S. S., Gartenberg, D., Park, K. H., Trafton, J. G. (2013). Uncertainty can increase explanatory credibility. Proceedings of the 32nd Annual Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Heitmeyer, C., Pickett, M., Breslow, L., Aha, D., Trafton, J. G., & Leonard, E. (2013). Realizing artificial intelligence synergies in software engineering. High assurance human-centric decision systems.
Pickett, M., Aha, D., & Trafton, J. G. (2013). Acquiring User Models to Test Automated Assistants. FLAIRS Conference.
Khemlani, S. S., & Trafton, J. G. (2012). mReactr: A computational theory of deductive reasoning. Proceedings of the 31st Annual Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Khemlani, S. S., Trafton, J. G., Lotstein, M., & Johnson-Laird, P. N. (2012). A process model of immediate inferences. Proceedings of 2012 International Conference of Cognitive Modeling.
Gartenberg, D., Breslow, L.A., McCurry, J.M., & Trafton, J.G. (2012). Time Pressure, Memory, and Task Knowledge Facilitate the Opportunism Heuristic in Dynamic Tasks. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 56th Annual Meeting.
Hiatt, L. M., Khemlani, S. S. & Trafton, J. G. (2012). An explanatory reasoning framework for embodied agents. Biologically Inspired Cognitive Architectures, 1(1), 23-31.
Gartenberg, D. I., McCurry, J. M., & Trafton, J. G. (2011). Situation awareness reacquisition in a supervisory control task. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 55th Annual Meeting.
Trafton, J. G., & Harrison, A. M. (2011). Embodied Spatial Cognition. Topics in Cognitive Science. 3, 686-706
Harrison, A. M., & Trafton, J. G. (2010). Cognition for action: an architectural account for “grounded interaction.” Proceedings of the 29th Annual Cognitive Science Society. Austin, TX: Cognitive Science Society.
Hiatt, L., M. & Trafton, J. G. (2010). A cognitive model of theory of mind. International Conference of Cognitive Modeling.
Breslow, L., A., Harrison, A., M., & Trafton, J. G. (2010). Linguistic Spatial Gestures. International Conference of Cognitive Modeling.
Breslow, L., Trafton, J. G., McCurry, J. M., & Ratwani, R. M. (2010). An algorithm for generating color scales for both categorical and ordinal coding. Color Research and Applications. 35(1), 18-28.
Fransen, B. R., Herbst, E., Harrison, A., & Trafton, J. G. (2009). Real time face and object tracking. IROS 2009.
Trafton, J. G., Harrison, A. M., Fransen, B., & Bugajska, M. (2009). An embodied model of infant gaze-following. International Conference of Cognitive Modeling 2009.
Trafton, J. G., Altmann, E. M., & Ratwani, R. M. (2009). A memory for goals model of sequential action. International Conference of Cognitive Modeling 2009.
Harrison, A. M., & Trafton, J. G., (2009). Gaze-following and awareness of visual perspective in chimpanzees. International Conference of Cognitive Modeling 2009.
Frost, W., Bugajska, M., & Trafton, J. G. (2009). Incremental Modeling of Language Understanding Using Speech Act Frames. Cognitive Science 2009.
Brock, D., McClimens, B., Wasylyshyn, C., Trafton, J. G., & McCurry, M. (2009). Evaluating the Utility of Auditory Perspective Taking in Robot Speech Presentations. Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD).
Kennedy, W. G. and Trafton, J. G. (2008). The Mathematics of Novelty as the Basis of the Exponential Law of Learning, The 41st Annual Society for Mathematical Psychology Conference. Washington, DC.
Wickens, C. D., Kaber, D., Mosaly, P., Trafton, J. G., Ratwani, R. M., Strayer, D., Boehm-Davis, D. A., St. John, M., & Smallman, H. S. (2008). The red-line of workload: Theory, research, and design. [Dream Panel for Chris Wickens]. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 52nd Annual Meeting.
Brock, D., McClimens, B., Trafton, J. G., McCurry, M., & Perzanowski, D. (2008). Evaluating listeners’ attention to and comprehension of spatialized concurrent and serial talkers at normal and a synthetically faster rate of speech. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Auditory Display (ICAD).
Trafton, J. G. (2008). Theoretical and Practical Developments in Cognitive Models and Agent Technologies Research. Cognitive Technology. 13(2), 5-7.
Kirschenbaum, S. S., Trafton, J. G., & Pratt, E. A. (2007). Comparative Cognitive Task Analysis. In R. R. Hoffman (Ed.), Expertise out of context (pp. 327-336). New York, NY: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Kennedy, W. G., & Trafton, J. G. (2007). Using simulations to model shared mental models. In Proceedings of the International Conference of Cognitive Modeling (ICCM).
Pfautz, J., Roth, E., Bisantz, A., Jackson, C., Thomas, G, Trafton, J. G., & Whitaker, R. (2007). Meta-information representation and communication. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 51st Annual Meeting
Kennedy, W. G., & Trafton, J. G. (2007). Long-Term Symbolic Learning. Cognitive Systems Research. 8, 237-247.
Kennedy, W. G., Trafton, J. G. (2006). Long-term symbolic learning in Soar and ACT-R. International Conference for Cognitive Modeling, 2006.
Stitzlein, C. A. Trickett, S. B., & Trafton, J. G. (2005). Simple gesture analysis in narrative speech: Expert-novice differences. The proceedings of the twenty-seventh annual conference of the cognitive science society.
Mintz, F. E., Trafton, J. G., Marsh, E., & Perzanowski, D. (2004). Choosing frames of reference. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 48th Annual Meeting.
Trafton, J. G., Hegarty, M., Tversky, B., Schunn, C. D., Cassell, J., & Alibali, M. (2004). The relationship between spatial cognition and gestures. The proceedings of the twenty-fourth annual conference of the cognitive science society.
Trafton, J. G., & Trickett, S. B. (2001). Note-taking for self-explanation and problem solving. Human-computer interaction, 16(1), 1-38.
Bugasjska, M. D., Schultz, A. C., Trafton, J. G., Gittens, S., & Mintz, F. (2001). Building adaptive computer generated forces: The effect of increasing task reactivity on human and machine control abilities. GECCO01.
Trafton, J. G., Schultz, A. C., Bugasjska, M. D., Gittens, S., & Mintz, F. E. (2001). An Investigation of How Humans and Machines Deal with Increases in Reactivity. The 10th Conference on Computer Generated Forces and Behavioral Representation.
Trafton, J. G. (2000). Predicting Complex Information Using Qualitative Mental Models. Human Performance, Situation Awareness, and Automation: User-Centered Design for the New Millennium, 18–19.
Schultz, A. C., & Trafton, J. G. (2000). A Hybrid Cognitive and Reactive Architecture. AAAI.
Miller, S. L., & Trafton, J. G. (1999). Natural language and direct manipulation search tools in a multimodal information system. Proceedings of ACM CHI’99 Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems.
Miller, S. L., & Trafton, J. G. (1999). Improving information search using natural language and direct manipulation tools in a multimodal interface. HFES 43rd Annual Meeting.
Trickett, S. B. & Trafton, J. G. (1999). Note-taking as a strategy for learning (pp. 742-748). The proceedings of the twenty-first annual conference of the cognitive science society.
Trickett, S. B. & Trafton, J. G. (1999). Learning and transfer of systematicity. Poster presented at the twenty-first annual conference of the cognitive science society.
Brock, D. & Trafton, J. G. (1999). Cognitive representation of common ground in user interfaces. In Judy Kay (Ed.), User Modeling, New York, NY: Springer-Wien. 287-289.
Trickett, S. B., Trafton, J. G., & Raymond, P. D. (1998). Exploration in the experiment space: The relationship between systematicity and performance (pp. 1067-1072). The proceedings of the twentieth annual conference of the cognitive science society.
Lipps, A. W., Katz, I., R., & Trafton, J. G. (1998). Factors affecting difficulty of generate and test in algebra problem solving. Virginia Academy of Science.
Lipps, A. W., Katz, I., R., & Trafton, J. G. (1998). Role of solution space in generating examples problems. Psychonomic Society.
Lipps, A. W., Trafton, J. G., & Gray, W. D. (1998). Animation as documentation: A replication with reinterpretation. The 1998 Society for Technical Communication.
Trafton, J. G., Wauchope, K., Raymond, P. D., Deubner, B., Stroup, J., & Marsh, E. (1997). How natural is natural language for Intelligent Tutoring Systems? The proceedings of the nineteenth annual conference of the cognitive science society.
Trafton, J. G. (1996). Alphabet Arithmetic and ACT-R: A reply to Rabinowitz and Goldberg. The proceedings of the eighteenth annual conference of the cognitive science society.
Brock, D. & Trafton, J. G. (1996). A preliminary architecture for the implementation of task model tracing. Third Annual ACT–R Workshop Proceedings.
Airth, M. E. & Trafton, J. G. (1996). An evaluative assessment of APPEX. Naval Research Laboratory.
Brock, D., Hix, D., Dievendorf, L., & Trafton, J. G. (1995). Extending the user action notation for research in individual differences. Proceedings of the Human Factors and Ergonomics Society 39th Annual Meeting.
Sandoval, W. A., Trafton, J. G., & Reiser, B. J. (1995). The Effects of Self–Explanation on Studying Examples and Solving Problems. The proceedings of the seventeenth annual conference of the cognitive science society.
Trafton, J. G. (1995). DACSF: A methodology for creating synthetic tasks. Technical Report: AL/CF-TR-1995-0020. Brooks Air Force Base.
O’Donnell, B., Eddy, D., Cardenas, B., Trafton, J. G., & Campbell, J. (1995). Development of the situation awareness flight training and simulation evaluation (SAFTE) system: Definition of situation awareness measures and initial development of the flight simulator. Technical Report: AL/CF-TR-1995-0039. Brooks Air Force Base.
Trafton, J. G. (1995). A hybrid model using neural networks and ACT–R. Behavior Research Methods, Instruments, and Computers, 27 (2), 183–186.
Trafton, J. G. (1994). Studying Examples and Solving Problems: A comparison of two models. Rice University, Houston, TX.
Trafton, J. G. (1994). A hybrid model using neural networks and ACT–R. Annual meeting of the Society for Computers in Psychology.
Reiser, B. J., Merrill, D., Neel, K., Ranney, M., & Trafton, J. G. (1994). Reasoning– Congruent Learning Environments and Explanatory Guidance: Theory and Results of the GIL Tutoring Project. Annual Meeting of the American Educational Research Association.
Trafton, J. G. (1994). The contributions of studying examples and solving problems to skill acquisition. Ph.D thesis: Department of Psychology, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.
Trafton, J. G., & Reiser, B. J. (1993). The contributions of studying examples and solving problems to skill acquisition. The proceedings of the fifteenth annual conference of the cognitive science society (pp. 1017–1022).
Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum. Trafton, J. G. (1992). The Role of Examples in Learning. Educational Testing Service, Princeton, NJ
Reiser, B. J., Beekelaar, R., Hamid, A., Handleman, E., Wurmser, C., Tyle, A., Bednarsh, A., Ranney, M., Merrill, D., & Trafton, J. G. (1992). GIL: Scaffolding Learning to Program with Reasoning-Congruent Representations and Model Tracing Guidance. Intelligent Tutoring Systems: Second International Conference, ITS ’92.
Merrill, D. C., Reiser, B. J., Ranney, M., & Trafton, J. G. (1992). Effective Tutoring Techniques: A Comparison of Human Tutors and Intelligent Tutoring Systems. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 2, 277–306.
Klein, S. B., Loftus, J., Trafton, J. G., & Fuhrman, R. W. (1992). The use of exemplars and abstractions in trait judgments: A model of trait knowledge about the self and others. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 63, 739–753.
Merrill, D. C., Reiser, B. J., Ranney, M., & Trafton, J. G. (1991). Effective pedagogical techniques in human tutors and intelligent tutoring systems. Technical Report No. 51, Cognitive Science Laboratory, Princeton University, Princeton, NJ.
Trafton, J. G., & Reiser, B. J. (1991). Providing natural representations to facilitate novices’ understanding in a new domain: Forward and backward reasoning in programming. The proceedings of the thirteenth annual conference of the cognitive science society (pp. 923–927). Hillsdale, NJ: Erlbaum